Welcome Letter from the ICLPT 2019 Committee

On behalf of Shaanxi Province Physical Society and the Organizing Committee of the 2nd International Conference on Laser and Photonic Technologies (ICLPT 2019), it is our privilege to invite you to ICLPT 2019, 28th June – 1st July 2019, in Xi'an, Shaanxi, China. We are honored to host this event, for the second time, and look forward to welcoming our friends and colleagues from all over the world.
The theme of the ICLPT 2019 is New Technologies, Exchange, and Collaboration, and our conference activities will reflect these three elements: New Technologies in what we hope to share, both in our research activities and in applications; Exchange in the activities we plan to develop with scientists, researchers, engineers, and students, as well as professionals in developing new technologies and applications; Collaboration as a means of driving forward diverse applications impacting our lives by using laser and photonics.
The Program Committee has set broad objectives for this conference. At this conference we will provide ample opportunities for knowledge exchange and explore joint collaborations between various participants from universities, institutes, companies through invited lectures and field visits covering various areas in the supply chain and applications of the emerging laser and photonic technologies.
While attending ICLPT 2019 in Xi'an we hope that you feel completely at home and you will take the opportunity to socialize and network with new acquaintances, friends and build upon those relationships for future collaboration.Registration is open on 25th March, 2019 and hotel reservation may be made directly with the hotel by phone or email. We extend the warmest welcome to all, and hope that you enjoy ICLPT 2019.
Ying Ding, Northwest University
Technical Program Chair, ICLPT 2019 Program Committee
on behalf of the ICLPT 2019 Committee Members